2021-2022 Chapter Officers
 President James Roper  jaroperuga at gmail dot com
 Vice President
 Allister Akong  AAKong at walkerconsultants dot com
 Treasurer  Dan Shabo  dan.shabo at trane dot com
 Scholarship  Jacqueline Stephens  jacqueline.f.stephens at gmail dot com
 Secretary  Phillip Howard
 prhoward at energyconsultant dot org
 Student Chapter Liaison
 Darrell Sandlin  darrell at carolinaheatpipe dot com
 CWEEL Coordinator Nathalie Shaffer 
 Web Site
 Joey Groveman  joeygroveman at gmail dot com
 Meeting Management
 Kristie Teoh  kristie.teoh at servidyne dot com
 Education Coordination Hugh Kelly 
 AEE International Chapter Advisor Ray Segars 
E-mail addresses are disguised to reduce spam.  For example "spam at aeegeorgia dot org" equates to "spam@aeegeorgia.org"